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Immigration Attorney in Atlanta, Georgia

Immigration law is a broad and complicated legal field that governs the process of immigrating to the United States. If you or your family are dealing with any immigration-related matters, it is imperative that you work with a skilled and knowledgeable immigration law attorney in Atlanta, Georgia.  

Whether you are seeking to reunite with your family, want to find employment in the U.S., or are facing deportation, Immigration Law Center Inc. can help. We understand that immigration can be a very sensitive matter to you, which is why we are committed to providing you with personalized and insightful guidance.  

We help clients across Atlanta, Georgia, and Birmingham, Alabama, achieve their immigration goals by providing sophisticated legal guidance every step of the way. If you need legal representation for any immigration-related matter, reach out to Immigration Law Center Inc. to get a consultation.  

Permanent Residency and Citizenship

One of the immigration services Immigration Law Center Inc. provides involves helping clients with permanent residency and citizenship. Obtaining permanent residency and citizenship can be broken down into two broad categories: 

  • Green card. A non-U.S. citizen can obtain a green card to work and live in the United States. A green card is available through family, employment, refugee/asylum status, as well as for victims of abuse, human trafficking, and other crimes. The green card process, which involves filing a petition for Adjustment of Status, is not available for those who entered the U.S. illegally.  

  • Naturalization. Naturalization involves granting U.S. citizenship to lawful permanent residents (LPRs) when they meet specific eligibility requirements. Some of the ways to become a U.S. citizen through naturalization are to be a lawful permanent resident for five years and be married to an LPR/U.S. citizen.  

If you want to explore the options available to you to become a lawful permanent resident or U.S. citizen, contact Immigration Law Center Inc. 

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Family Petitions

Filing a family petition is one of the most common ways to gain lawful residency in the United States. This can be done by adjusting your status. If you are not in the United States but want to travel to the U.S. for the purpose of getting married, you may need to obtain a marriage or fiancé visa.  

  • A marriage visa allows the wife or husband of a U.S. citizen to travel to the United States and apply for permanent residency or a green card. However, both spouses must meet eligibility requirements to receive this immigration benefit.  

  • A fiancé visa allows the fiancé or fiancée of a U.S. citizen to travel to the United States and stay there for 90 days for the purpose of marrying a U.S. citizen.  

If you are looking to travel to the U.S. or obtain permanent residency, our immigration attorney in Atlanta, Georgia, can guide you through every step of the process.  

Removal Defense

If you are already in the United States and are facing deportation, there are several removal defenses that may be available to you. Common types of removal defenses include:  

  • filing application for permanent residency; 

  • applying for asylum; 

  • obtaining a criminal waiver (for those placed into removal proceedings for committing a crime); 

  • applying for Ddferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA); 

  • filing a motion to suppress evidence and terminate removal proceedings; and, 

  • obtaining temporary protections. 

These are not the only possible removal defenses that may be available to you. Each case is unique, which is why a consultation with an immigration lawyer may be necessary to discuss how to defend yourself or your loved ones. If the government is trying to deport you or take away your green card, do not hesitate to contact Immigration Law Center Inc. to get the help you need. Do not risk your future.  


In certain circumstances, immigrants may be able to apply for a humanitarian visa, which is granted by the U.S. government to foreigners who need to enter the United States in case of emergency. Humanitarian visas are granted to those who were victims of crimes, human trafficking, or violence against women, or those who want to visit their ill family member in the U.S., get medical care from a U.S. doctor, or attend a funeral in the United States.  

Immigrants can apply for a humanitarian visa even if they do not meet eligibility requirements for other types of visas. However, the U.S. government is very strict when it comes to granting humanitarian visas and will deny any request for this type of visa if the applicant is attempting to get around visa requirements.  

Immigration Law Attorney in Atlanta, Georgia

At Immigration Law Center Inc., we are dedicated to delivering personalized and cost-efficient solutions for our clients’ immigration needs. Our immigration law attorneys in Atlanta, Georgia provide high-quality services with integrity and respect for each client. Reach out to our office to schedule a case evaluation and discuss your matter.